Saturday, June 25, 2005

This is just the way it is right now

We celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary yesterday. June 24, 2000 was a beautiful sunny day in Port Townsend. Yesterday, the weather wasn't quite so nice. And there were other differences too...

Athena woke up at 5am, refusing to go back to sleep. I finally got up with her, made some coffee (decaf -- why?!), and my breakfast. By 7am she was ready to go back to bed. At 7:15, Sam woke up, wanting "nursings." At 8am baby was up again; time to wake up daddy (yes, I let him sleep in). Happy Anniversary honey!

Got Sam off to school, Athena had her first playdate (go Emerson!), and we did the banking for the store. Then home, cram some lunch down (melted cheese on brown rice), and nurse baby down. In to the office until 5pm, then off to Chetzemoka (site of our glorious nuptials) to check in on the Boiler Room School's Out BBQ. Sam's babysitter was one of the performers, and I had to check in with some folks for work (my agency paid for the party). Luckily, we were able to feed Sam there -- ya gotta love hot dogs.

Back home, baths for both kids, and baby is nearly asleep when Bridget arrives to babysit. Sam *loves* this babysitter, so he was thrilled. It almost made up for me washing his hair (is that a banshee or is that my son screaming?) We take off confident that all will be well. Now if only we can stay awake.

Yummy dinner at Ichikawa, yummy dessert at Mezaluna, then waddled down the street to Water Street Brewing. Is it only 10pm? God I feel old. Chatted with a few folks, then parked ourselves on a comfy couch in the bar to watch our friend's band play. Having a pretty good time, maybe even a second wind, when Steve's phone rings. Turns out it had rung 15min earlier but we didn't hear it. Couldn't hear much from the babysitter, but baby screaming in the background was all we needed to know. Dash out the door, headed for our car. Thank goodness we didn't decide to walk down. Turns out baby had been crying non stop for about half an hour, inconsolable. I get her to settle down and fall asleep, just about the time brother wakes up screaming. Sigh. So much for a grand romantic finish. The boys crash in one bed, the girls in another. It's only midnight. And this morning it starts all over again.

From our wedding ceremony:

‘Yield and you need not break:’
Bent you can straighten,
Emptied you can hold,
Torn you can mend;
And as want can reward you
So wealth can bewilder.
Aware of this, a wise man has the simple return
Which other men seek:
Without inflaming himself
He is kindled,
Without explaining himself
Is explained,
Without taking credit
Is accredited,
Laying no claim
Is acclaimed
And, because he does not compete,
Finds peaceful competence.
How true is the old saying,
‘Yield and you need not break’!
How completely it comes home!


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