Saturday, October 08, 2005

Personal vision statement

My trip to Spokane threw my schedule off, so that today was a running day. I stayed up late last night, and Sam was at my bedside at 7:03am. Baby got up too, and as we all lay there in the bed I said, "well I guess I'm not running today." Not five minutes later, my sweet but groggy husband says, "you could go running now if you want. It's OK." I slithered through the tiny window of opportunity that his support provided me, and was very glad I did.

On my run I was thinking about the kind of person I want to be, and it reminded me of a sort of personal vision statement that I created about ten years ago. I don't recall how it came about (self help book? work-related training? Cosmo quiz?) but here is what I came up with: Beth is Strong, and Kind, and Free.

Over the years I've come back to that, and evaluated my decisions based on whether they add to my vision or not. I was thinking about it this morning in the context of a couple of situations I've been in recently. It was as much about what I don't what to be as what I do. For instance, I don't want to be someone who says snarky sarcastic things about other people; that's not kind. I don't want the people in my life to have control over me; that's not free. And I don't want to let a minor inconvenience derail my plans; that's not strong.

Am I strong and kind and free? Not always, but mostly. It's a worthy goal. And isn't that what a vision statement is all about?

What is your personal vision statement? Who do you strive to be?


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