Thursday, June 16, 2005

I am a kitchen rock star

Tuesday night, I picked up our dinner from BL's house -- dinner co-op night. She had been working on a farm earlier that day, in exchange for fresh produce. In addition to a lovely dinner, she gave me a big bag of bok choy, harvested only hours before. Wednesday we went to the Farmers Market (now twice a week!) and found nothing to make for dinner (got some yummy fruit though) and ended up at Lanza's for dinner. The special was sea scallops, which we didn't get, but I told Steve that I would get some Thursday and make them for him. I'm not crazy about scallops, but I do like them in sushi.

So today I decide that I need to combine the bok choy and the scallop promise into one dish. I got some enormous sea scallops from Key City Fish, some fresh ginger, and made a yummy asian dish with the bok choy, scallops and... cheese ravioli. Honest, it was good! Steve was skeptical, and I had no idea if my sauce was right, but it was delicious. I cooked the bok choy in olive oil and chicken broth, then added the sauce (fresh grated ginger, rice vinegar, garlic, soy sauce, chili oil, and sesame oil). I cut the scallops in quarters and marinated them in some of the sauce before sauteeing them. Mmmm, mmmm. Sammy of course had his ravioli with olive oil and parmesan.

But the true rock star part came *after* dinner. I made a double batch of peanut butter oatmeal cookies, a quad batch of pea salad with fresh bacon and radishes, 16 fresh italian sausages (8 hot, 8 sweet), and 6 onions slow cooked in the bacon fat. This will be my dinner co-op offering tomorrow night. Which means I don't necessarily have to leave work early, and I won't be frazzled in the morning trying to get everything done.

Thank goodness my spectacular husband does all the dishes.


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