Tuesday, January 31, 2006

One year ago

I am afraid that I won't have time to blog tomorrow, so I want to be sure I mark the anniversary of Athena's birth. Athena Rebecca Wilmart was born one year ago tomorrow, February 1, 2005. I wrote about it in my LJ http://emw.livejournal.com/11983.html at the time. Worth noting is that a few days after I wrote her birth story, we were at Swedish Hospital for three days with Athena's RSV. I was not so scared at the time, but the more time passes and I realize how truly small and vulnerable she was then, it becomes more frightening to think about.

Athena has been walking for a week or so now. She will take 20 or so steps at a time, and loves to stand up and be the center of attention. She claps, shows you her tongue on command, and is generally a very cheerful little girl. She adores big brother Sammy, loves to wrestle with him and whack him on the head. He, in turn, is always looking out for her and being about as responsible as a three and a half year old big brother can be. We are truly blessed with two sweet kiddos.

Our Birthday plans include a special snack at Playschool tomorrow, turning the car seat to front-facing as soon as the weather eases a bit, and feeding Athena some special "one year old" foods. She was to get her first yogurt for dinner tomorrow, but a friend who babysat her today unknowingly jumped the gun. No matter. I bought some strawberries for her to try, and maybe we'll do scrambled eggs too. And more yogurt, of course.

I was sad for several days after Athena was born, and sometimes I still get sad. It seems like life is moving so fast... not enough time to sit and drink in the smells and sounds and sights of my children. We plan to begin night weaning Athena this week, which will take away those precious moments when she is half asleep and needing only the smell and taste of mama to lure her back to dreamland. The trade off is a little more sleep for me, and presumably better sleep for her in the long run. But it is a milestone, and since she is our last child, it makes me a little sad. Sam and I will get a chance to reconnect, as he gets to sleep with me in the spare bed while daddy night weans the girl. We had some fun tonight, Sam and I, playing Nature Bingo and Animal Dominos at his request. I asked him tonight when he thought he would stop nursing (he only nurses once a day, just before bed) I said maybe when he was four... and he looked at me in horror at the thought and said, "I don't know!" I told him that's OK and he should just let me know. Sometimes I worry that Athena will wean before he does.

My baby girl is growing up. I am so happy for her, and proud. And a little nostalgic too. I guess that never stops...


Blogger Dana said...

oh, Beth...

You describe so much of the same thing I am feeling now - even w/ Lizzy only 4 months old. Every milestone is a milestone for her and a "last time I will see my baby do X for the first time" for me. I am not ready to be "done" with kids - and we aren't ready to have more, either. Sigh.

I keep looking to both you and Wanda as examples - so enjoying your kiddos at every stage that the nostalgia and longing are less than secondary.

Congratulations on your first year with Athena. She is a fortunate little girl to have you.

2/1/06 8:31 AM  
Anonymous Mom said...

Oh, Yeah!! I was packing the picture albums from Germany the other day. At least, I started to pack them; didn't get too far before the nostalgia got to me. Just wait'll you have 40+ years of those accumulated wonderful memories and feelings. And that's all you will keep, too.

I remember having similar thoughts years ago; and, although it may be uncomfortable at the time, I think that being aware of that sadness as well as the warm fuzzy feelings helps to cement it so you can recall it later.

2/8/06 1:10 PM  

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