Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lovey Dog

Last week, we adopted a four year old purebred Chocolate Lab from the pound. His name was Brutus, which Sam opted to change to "Lovey Dog." He is very lovey... sweet with the kids and only wants to be where the family is. But he loves to run and jump and play fetch too. He's a big dog, so he needs to get some good exercise daily. His only faults (that we know of) are an aggressive nature toward other male dogs (his scheduled snip-snip on Tuesday should temper that) and putrid farts (well, we can't complain too much about that around here). He is used to being in the house for hours at a time which is good because he easily jumps our fence. He only does it when he sees us all trying to leave though. If we are home he would much prefer to be in the house. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Rebecca said...

Very cute. Too bad he can't get together with Sara and they could exercise each other, running around!

11/13/06 9:37 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

I'm sure they will hang out at mom & dad's next summer!

12/30/06 8:55 PM  

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