Saturday, August 20, 2005

Tales from the scale

Four years ago, I met a bunch of other women in an online weightloss community. We met on a board called "Tales from the Scale" -- where people would talk about the ups and downs of using a scale to measure success. I had just initiated a month-long "no weighing" regime, and these five gals joined me in talking about it. I think most of them also abstained from weighing for a month, but I honestly don't remember.

We formed our own group in October 2001 and have been emailing nearly daily ever since. We went from six to four members, and I am still in touch with one of the gals who left the group. We talk about everything -- babies, husbands, lack of husbands, aging parents, self-esteem, goals, dreams, disappointments and yes, weight.

I've been thinking about how we met because, I am once again banishing the scale. I've been sick this week, no appetite, and I knew I had lost weight. But I had resisted weighing because I know from experience that no matter what the number is I won't be happy with it. This morning I was irritated at something, wanted to feel good, and decided to get on the scale. Indeed, I had lost weight. But the process of how and why I weighed myself and how I felt about it struck me as very unhealthy. So I put the scale away.


Anonymous Dana said...

Hey! I feel famous...

8/23/05 7:10 AM  

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