Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More World Breastfeeding Week

The kids and I went to Chetzemoka Park today to join the World Breastfeeding Week celebration. I wore my lactivist shirt, and taped these signs to the stroller to support tandem nursing. I was a bit harried, just like last year. This particular part of the park is wide open, and when it is full of other kids Sam alternates between running off and melting down. I ended up taking him to another part of the park which was much more fun for all of us.


Blogger Terri said...

We are trying to get pregnant with #2 these days, and I've read Tandem Nursing but was wondering from someone who's "been there" ... how did nursing during pregnancy go? How did your milk change? Did it drop off suddenly a few months in, or was it gradual? Did SammyT wean for awhile and then start back up again, or did he keep going through the whole thing?

8/4/05 10:58 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Tandem nursing has worked fine for us, although it certainly is not the best choice for everybody. Sam was (and is) so clearly not ready to wean, that I just took it one day at a time. If it had gotten bad, I would have stopped.

About three months into my pg I cut him back from 6-7x/day to 3x/day. He barely noticed. At around 5m pg, my milk pretty much disappeared, but he kept nursing anyway (but for very short periods of time). Around 7m my colostrum came in and the way I found out was Sam was nursing, and he looked up at me and said, "It's tasty!" My colostrum came in on one side before the other, and he def. preferred to nurse on the side with the "tasty."

When Athena was born, Sam was sick, and trying to nurse both of them and keep the germs at bay proved impossible. Athena contracted RSV and had to go to Swedish Hospital for three days. But, living in the same house with Sam, she probably would have caught it anyway. Sam def. helped with the post partum engorgement, and I never felt like Athena was getting short-changed.

When Athena was about two months old, I eliminated the afternoon nursing for Sam, keeping just first thing in the morning and just before bedtime. For two solid months he asked me every day if he could nurse in the afternoon. He still asks sometimes. Clearly, he is not ready to give it up.

I had some soreness during pg, but not too bad. The only hassle now is if Sam wakes up earlier than I would like, and wants his "nursings." But we're dealing with that.

I remember when he was born I expected to nurse him until he was two. Now... I have no idea!

8/4/05 12:48 PM  

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