Friday, September 02, 2005

Why I run

Or more specifically, why I ran today. Of all days.

To fully understand, we must back up to yesterday. Athena fell off of our bed, where she has been sleeping since she was born. We knew a move to the crib was imminent, but last night it became imperative. So we moved Sammy into the playroom for the night and I prepared to be a walking wet nurse.

After much struggle, she finally fell asleep. Then she woke up. A lot. Eight times, if I recall correctly. So when I got her back to sleep at 6:30 am or so, I had a choice to make. Do I put on my clothes and go running, or go back to bed?

As you know, I chose to go running. For several reasons. Today was my first day running 20min straight, with no walking. I was excited to see if I could do it. (I did) Also, there was no guarantee that if I went back to bed, both kids would stay asleep. And there was also no assurance that tonight would be any better than last night. Using lack of sleep as an excuse when you have two little kids is a slippery slope. You're likely to never get things done.

So I went, and it felt great. When I came home, Steve had made my coffee and he congratulated me on my tenacity. I reminded him that that's why he married me. And told him how nice it was to have just us in the bed again.


Blogger Kelly Hogaboom said...

super good for you! i agree that using the kids' as an excuse to hold you back a "slippery slope" is a good way to describe it. just think what you're showing them, and your husband, when you take care of yourself like you are.

9/2/05 12:33 PM  
Anonymous dana said...

I am very proud of you, Beth!

Way to go... 20 min straight is a great milestone - I bet it really did feel awesome and that you have more energy for having done it.


9/3/05 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Mary Rachael said...

Way to go, Beth!
I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work! You are worth it!

9/7/05 4:29 AM  
Anonymous Jack said...

Nice going! I could never do that, but I could never carry a child for nine months, either.

Nice pics, too!

9/7/05 1:49 PM  

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