Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Too, too much

Things just got to be "a bit much" for me today. I realized this when I met my friend for a movie (Friends With Money -- recommend it), and she asked me how my day was. When I started to recap it for her, a look of mild horror crossed her face. Yeah, maybe I had a few too many things on my plate today.

5:15am - nurse Athena back to sleep. unable to return to sleep myself.
6:00am - up and showered. Chop fruit and cheese for Steve to take to Playschool.
6:50am - at work
9:30am - tried to pay printer bill, bought groceries and coffee, dropped groceries at home and went to Playschool.
10:00am - "Snack" person at Playschool
11:25am - bailed on my obligation to stay late and help clean up
11:35am - picked up Sam from school
11:50am - nursed Athena to sleep
12:00pm - made Sam's lunch, made and ate my lunch
12:20pm - played w/Sam, tried to nap, cleaned, read the paper, played w/Sam
2:10pm - baby wakes up, same as above, plus started making dinner
3:00pm - friend drops off his son for me to babysit
4:30pm - hand kids off to Steve, eat my dinner
5:00pm - run meeting of Capital Campaign Committee at church
6:20pm - nurse Athena to bed
6:40pm - buy bulk coffee and latte, sit outside the movie theatre and wait for friend

And this list doesn't even include the energy put into my several other volunteer commitments, work stuff, and plans for my new venture. Trying to keep up with friends and family... heck, I can barely keep up with myself. So it is now after 10pm and I think I must shut down for the night and try to be more sane tomorrow.


Blogger Rebecca said...

You don't have to answer this question, but it's worth thinking about: what was more stressful, the things you wanted to do that you didn't get to or the things you had to do that you wished you hadn't? (Hope that made sense.)

5/4/06 1:22 PM  
Anonymous dana said...

Good question, Rebecca!

I am in much the same boat, Betheroonie. I feel you, pal. All I have done about it so far is to put some absolute limits on a few things - no more activities on weeknights (only works b/c we have less of a "community" to pressure us) and trying to stay focused on my current mission - which is the girls and our home life.

The "easy" stuff to quit is the stuff I least want to give up - my book club, scrapbooking with my girlfriends once a month...(sometimes twice in a month if the quarterly crop I attend falls just right) That stuff is for ME -

Of course, I haven't written in my blog for weeks, have purchased all the ingredients and borrowed pans to make your fab new choc stout cake (1 wk ago) and still haven't made it - and have another 6 loads of laundry to do on top of the laundry I haven't put away (clean) from ?2-3 wks ago???

last time we showed the house, I put the laundry baskets in the other car and parked it down the block...

Let's run away - oh, wait - we'd only be worried about what we weren't getting done b/c we know we'd always go back...darn that love our families thing.

and on top of this, we're starting our GR project, right?

I love you.

And I wish we were neighbors.

5/5/06 8:43 AM  
Anonymous dana said...

One more thing - my 2006 things to work on for my personal growth list -

1. personal polish (I am down to wearing makeup maybe 3 days a week and that is a new LOW)

2. Honoring my commitments (not just doing them, but doing them WELL, which means I have to commit to less, not work harder...)

3. Physical/emotional health and selfcare commitment

4. writing goal

5. reading goal

why is electing to do less so HARD???????

5/5/06 8:46 AM  

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