Tuesday, October 11, 2005

speaking in code

So, we're probably going to do this thing, which is really cool, and will make everything better in the long run, but will cause a lot of stress, but will be very exciting, and a big risk, and it's really the only option, and will take a lot of time and energy and be totally worth it in the end (I hope).

At the same time, I want to do this other thing, which is not in contradiction to the first thing, but the timing is bad on one hand but I want to do it now, and I'm really not ready, but I don't want to lose momentum, realizing that if it really is the right thing then time will only make it better.

Meanwhile, I've been in two situations with two people whom I can barely stand to be in proximity to and I'm trying very hard not to dismiss them completely as human beings simply because they push my buttons in the worst possible way and I just want to run screaming from the room every time either one of them opens their mouth. I am completely positive that neither of these people reads or even knows about this blog so it isn't you, believe me.

And I have this other thing going on that is painful and ridiculous and I'm procrastinating doing anything about it for no particular reason other than I'm so busy which is nothing unusual and everyone has too much to do so why don't I just make the damn phone call already and get it over with?

On a brighter note, Athena got new shoes today. They are very cute!


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