Thursday, February 16, 2006

Woman or Mom?

I was talking with some other moms recently, and one (very lovely) mother of three said, "I just want my husband to see me as a woman first, then a mother." I agreed, but said we must first see ourselves that way.

I was definitely a woman first today.

Steve doesn't understand why I took the following as a compliment, but I did. At my chiropractor's, the office manager commented on the fact that I didn't have my kids with me. Then she said, "You don't even look like a mom with two kids." Whoo hoo!

I was dressed a bit more fancy/dressy/polished than usual, for a couple of reasons. I had a few meetings today, and since Steve had the kids in the morning I could actually dress for the day and not worry about trashing my outfit before it was time to leave for work. Of course, I did notice a small bit of banana on my shirt right after the comment at the chiropractors, but she obviously couldn't see it.

I didn't get to spend much time with the kids at all today, because Steve and I went out to dinner for a belated Valentines Day celebration. We had a gift certificate to a lovely little place we had never been to, but didn't think it would be cool to use the certificate on a holiday (it was a gift from the owners). We called in the babysitting co-op, and enjoyed a lovely hour and a half on our own. It was fun; we reminisced about our early dating days, which happened also to be our "flush" days. In other words, when we were first dating we went to restaurants like this *all the time.* Now, we can only go if we get a gift certificate. The food was great, we even had dessert, and our favorite server happens to be working there now (she is also a friend).

Back to the moms talking about being a woman first. This conversation came on the heels of a conversation about clothing options for moms. I said -- to complete silence --"I just want to dress like Audrey Hepburn every day."

I mean that.


Blogger Dana said...

okay, I would like to mean that - and I love Audrey Hepburn more than I can even express - I would say it and think I meant it and still opt for the extra time in bed in the morning, over the time it would take to get really put together. One advantage to commuting an hour as a couple is that I can and do put my face on in the car. At least I usually have that going for me.

And I don't get around to organizing my outfits on Sunday so that the week just goes smoothly. I think I should, but I don't act on it.

I return to a quote from one of the many books I have read on how to dress like a French woman - something to the effect of "how can American women possibly dress well when they have so much?"

Excess of choice in shops, excess of clothes in closet - leads to confusion and dress stress... I think it is true. I dress better when I have fewer items to pick from. There's a lesson - I need to do another closet purge.

2/17/06 7:39 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

What Dana said. Period.

Okay, and, just because I have so many words, a couple of other things:

Beth ~ Don't bother trying to figure out any "accent" style stuff. You are obviously *straight contemporary*. Just focus on the contemporary classic look. It makes you happy!

Dana ~ Have you taken my quiz? You sound alot like me!

2/17/06 10:14 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Funny you should mention accent, Rebecca. As we walked into the restaurant last night, Steve commented on how nicely I was dressed and how he was "not." I pointed to my fleece scarf (tied jauntily around my neck) and said that was my nod to his idiom.

We are still searching for his nod to mine, although he is considering growing a beard.

2/17/06 1:19 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

Rebecca - I *did* take your quiz about a week ago, maybe. I came out same as our Beth.

I almost posted a complete recap of what I was wearing when I posted last week. Funny (not) thing is that today's list would be almost the same.

2/20/06 7:42 AM  

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