Saturday, May 06, 2006

In my ear

About two months ago, out of the blue, I stopped listening to country music. I was driving along, listening to a pop radio station, when I realized, "Hey, I like this song." That thought turned into a stream of thoughts about how limited my musical preferences have been for so long, and what that says about me. I decided that I did not want to be so narrow, so confined. It didn't feel like "me."

I started listening to country in the early 90's, as sort of a backlash against the "Seattle Sound." Based on a few personal experiences with musicians of that era, I wanted nothing to do with grunge or it's trappings. (I still despise Pearl Jam but developed an acceptance of Nirvana after KC died -- probably because there would not be any more forthcoming) I spent my weekends dancing to live R&B and the rest of the time I listened to pop country.

Even after marrying the Music Nazi (according to HL), I did not expand my repertoire. In fact, it contracted. Odd thing for a music store owner, and I knew it. But I seemed helpless to change. I became more and more entrenched in this one limited sound until I was simply listening to the same 8 or 10 CDs over and over.

So what am I listening to now? I tune in to a couple of different radio stations. The song I heard was Jack Johnson's Upside Down, so I have been listening to the Curious George soundtrack a lot. Sam knows all the words. And Steve has this great Motown remix CD in his car.

(How dorky is it for a 40 year old mother of two to drive around in a convertible with the top down cranking War?)

I have also been flipping through the other CDs in the changer, giving them a chance. I'm just more... open. Open to new sounds, which may be old and common to everyone else. Open to remembering when I wasn't so closed down. Open to being open.


Blogger Steve said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

5/8/06 6:20 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

I don't think a 40yr. old mother of two driving a convertible cranking War is dorky at all. It's us 40yr. old dads that will get tagged with "mid-life crisis". You go girl.

BTW - the url to my blog is


The "Music Nazi"

5/8/06 8:30 PM  
Anonymous dana said...

Funny how stuff like that is regional, isn't it?

I wouldn't listen to country here - for similar reasons to why you rejected the "seattle thing" - it's the music of default here and I am very weary of the fakers.

I prefer R&B. Funk, soul, disco - gimme something I can groove to.

In the car, we listen to classic rock, 80's pop or NPR.

5/9/06 1:15 PM  

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