Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I've been seeing a lot of runners lately. Mostly people I know, mostly women, and all of them breezing along as though running were no big deal. They can talk, smile, look around. I envy them.

But this morning I realized that it's all a matter of degree. As I watched a woman I know run by (why is it that many of the runners I know have a history of anorexia?) I realized that I was pushing Athena's stroller at a pretty good clip. I have no problem walking for 10, 20, 30+ minutes at a time, even up hill. I know people who cannot do this. I know people who cannot walk two blocks without becoming winded.

This gives me hope that some day, I will be one of those runners who make it look effortless. I sense this would make me a very different person than I am today.


Anonymous Dana said...

Beth - when you are ready, remember the Couch to 5K program - it works (remember back pre Sam and Darien - it's what I did).

7/8/05 6:38 AM  

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