Friday, October 28, 2005

At home

Tonight is the first night this week that I've been at home. Monday I decided last minute to attend the City Council meeting. It was a public hearing on the budget; I was the only "public" to speak before the council. But you can bet the letters to the editor will be flying once the decisions are already made.

Tuesday was a meeting at church. I'm co-chair of the capital campaign committee, and we are working right now on some pre-campaign business. A good group of people and we finished early.

Wednesday was the ACLU/PFLAG presentation on reproductive rights. For those of you who know me well, you know this is my HOT issue. I write very few checks to charity, but Planned Parenthood has got my money for over a decade. When you take away a woman's control over her reproductive status (and I'm not just talking about abortion here, that's the end of a long line of reproductive rights that starts with education and continues on through access, social acceptance, etc.)... when you take away a woman's control over her reproductive status all women are devalued. I could go on and on, but suffice to say the ACLU person didn't know much more than I did and certainly knew less about local issues. FWIW, you can get your emergency contraception (EC, a.k.a. PlanB) at the Health Dept., Don's Pharmacy, or Hadlock QFC. Feel free to complain to Safeway (the only pharmacy open on Sundays) and urge them to stop considering and start offering EC. It is not an abortifant, and is most effective at preventing pregnancy when used within 72 hours. Spread the word.

Thursday was the NAMI presentation on recognizing signs of mental illness in children and adolescents. Steve rocked! He did a great presentation; very caring, honest, helpful, and earnest without being "heavy." I hope he gets a chance to talk to kids too. Bonus: babysitter Bridget got both kids to sleep on time and happily.

Tonight I finally got to stay home. Steve got his turn to have an evening out for a music course. Tomorrow is the Grant Street Carnival (we are working the cake walk), Halloween parties (which one to attend??), and the final Farmer's Market. Sunday is church (wear your costume!) and prepping for the Blaine St. festivities. After Monday's madness we head down to Vancouver for another conference.

Whew. I'm tired.


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