Friday, November 25, 2005

Hangin' with the Dads

There is a playgroup around here that I've only been to once. I know most of the participants, but between nap time for A and school for S, I can't seem to fit it in to our schedule. But they needed someone to host this week so I volunteered. My house had already been cleaned in advance of Thanksgiving guests, and this way the dishes had to get done sooner rather than later.

The group starts at 10am, and by 10:30 I was starting to think we were on our own. Luckily, a dad friend of ours showed up with his two kids. We had a lovely, relaxing chat, kids playing (mostly) happily with each other. Athena woke up around 11:30 and joined in the fun. Right about then another dad showed up with his two kids. Still mellow, still nice.

Just as they were leaving, a third dad friend called to see if he could come over with his two kids. Sure! So I spent the better part of my day in the company of dads and kids. What a nice change of pace from my normal day. Hanging with dads is different, and these dads were perfectly willing to just sit around and chat with me (kind of unusual, in my experience). I almost never get to just sit around and chat with my girlfriends, much less their husbands. It was cool.


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